Friday, February 24, 2012

Arcangel's Death

At the end of Tropic of Orange Arcangel's death is left ambiguous. Yamashita never comes out and says if Arcangel has actually died or if Rafael's orange has revived him. The ambiguity of Arcangel's death could add to Yamashita's stance on time being cyclical especially with the reference to the line of the Tropic of Orange being attached to Arcangel's supposed body. If we are to believe that Arcangel is dead--Bobby even thinks about him being buried under an orange tree--then are we also to believe that the entire disaster is going to start again, that history repeating itself is inevitable.
If however Arcangel is still by some miracle alive, then does this mean that SUPERNAFTA has won and that El Gran Mojado has been defeated or since he's still alive he has not been defeated and is back for another match? The ambiguity of Arcangel's death--or not death--is central to the ending of Tropic of Orange.

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