Friday, February 24, 2012

It's Time to Smell the Roses

In Karen Tei Yamashita’s book, The Tropic of Orange, the seven main characters are all wrapped up their busy lives one way or another.  Gabriel is wrapped up in his work and house in Mexico, Emi in technology, Bobby in working and consumerism, the list goes on.  It seems that they are all too busy to see what else is going on around them, and I feel that this is a metaphor for the United States and the people who live in it.  We are all so wrapped up in technology and school and making money, that we forget about the people who don’t have what we have, or we forget to “stop and smell the roses.”
Since media is a big part of the book, I feel it is also a big reason why we are so caught up in other things like what Iphone is coming out next, or who said what on Twitter.  We are surrounded by media and outside influence, and this is also the case in The Tropic of Orange.  The homeless taking over the freeway is a metaphor of what would happen if some force all of a sudden “stopped up” our communication/technology that we use every day.  Just like the people in L.A. use the freeway to bypass and get to where they need to go fast, we use texting, Facebook, all types of technology to bypass talking to people face to face and communicate quickly. 
           Once the freeway was blocked, people started to use other ways to get to where they needed to go.  They started to discover places they were bypassing every day, “smelling the roses” if you will.  People started walking and discovering places that they would have never discovered otherwise.  If we would just put down our technology for a little bit, walk on foot somewhere, or call someone as opposed to having a Facebook conversation, we would get more out of our everyday lives.  It is so easy to get wrapped up in technology and everything else around us that it is important to remember that we need to step outside of our busy lives sometimes and see what else is around us that we are too busy to notice, and not wait until the freeway is jammed

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